Tuesday, May 3, 2011

"Wine Labels – The Road to Printing Success"

One of our sales associates stumbled on this great article on how to have a successful experience in designing and producing wine labels. These tips also extend to anyone who is looking to design and print a label that perfectly describes and markets your product.

Hope you find this article as valuable as we do...

Wine Labels – The Road to Printing Success

by Paula Sugarman

A wine industry journalist recently asked me for some wine label horror stories. I’m knocking on wood as I say this, but we don’t really have many printing nightmares. Maybe it’s because we have a thorough and systematic checklist for the process of wine label design and production. This assures that our vision and the client’s expectations of the beautiful or sassy wine label will come to life on the bottle as planned.

1. Drive with a Design Brief
We’ve written other articles on this subject, but it’s important enough to bring up again. The process of creating and generating a wine label is a journey and the design brief is the road map to success. It establishes a clear direction at project initiation and keeps us working in a straight line, avoiding costly and complicated detours. The design brief includes: project parameters, scope of work, early design directions the client has in mind, information about the company, the wine, sales & distribution details, long term goals and printing budgets.

Click here for Full Article

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